Becoming A Top 1% Podcaster

Welcome back to another exciting episode of Podcasts SUCK, where we explore the wild and wacky world of podcasting! In this episode, we dive deep into some eye-opening statistics shared by Alex Hormozi about the podcasting landscape and examine why so many aspiring podcasters give up before they reach their full potential.

The Shocking Statistics

Did you know that to become a top 1% podcaster, you need to upload at least 21 episodes? Here’s a quick breakdown of the surprising numbers:

  • 90% of podcasters don’t make it past their first episode.
  • 9% stop before reaching 20 episodes.
  • Only 1% of podcasters stick it out beyond 21 episodes.

These numbers highlight the daunting reality of podcasting: most people quit before they gain any significant momentum. But why? What causes so many podcasters to give up?

The Reasons Behind Podfade

One of the main culprits for podfade—when podcasters stop producing new episodes—is the overwhelming workload. From recording to editing, uploading, and promoting, managing all aspects of a podcast can quickly become exhausting. Many podcasters feel like they’re juggling too many roles and burn out because they don’t delegate or seek outside help.

Key Challenges Leading to Podfade:

  1. Time-Consuming Editing: Podcast editing can be a time-intensive process, particularly for perfectionists.
  2. Promotion Pressure: Regularly marketing your podcast on social media, email lists, and other platforms adds extra work.
  3. Lack of Immediate Results: Many podcasters expect quick growth and lose motivation when their listenership doesn’t explode overnight.

The Importance of Delegation

When I first started podcasting, I spent countless late nights editing episodes, managing social media, and trying to handle everything on my own. It wasn’t sustainable. Eventually, I realized the power of delegating tasks.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, outsource the tasks that drain your energy or take the most time. For example, consider hiring an editor or a virtual assistant to help with post-production and promotion, so you can focus on what you love—recording and connecting with guests.

Tasks You Can Delegate:

  • Audio Editing: Hire a freelance editor or use platforms like Fiverr or Upwork.
  • Social Media Promotion: Use tools like Buffer or hire someone to manage your podcast’s online presence.
  • Show Notes and Transcriptions: Outsource these to a transcription service or freelancer.

Commitment and Mindset

Another key reason so many podcasters quit is a lack of commitment. It’s easy to be excited when you first start, but keeping that momentum is where many fail. To succeed, you need to keep your “why” in mind. Why did you start podcasting in the first place? Keep that vision in focus, and it will carry you through moments of doubt.

Tips for Maintaining Commitment:

  • Set Goals: Start with small, achievable milestones to keep yourself motivated.
  • Develop a Routine: Consistency is key. Whether it’s weekly or bi-weekly, stick to a regular upload schedule.
  • Find a Community: Join podcasting groups or forums to stay inspired and connected to others on the same journey.

The Power of Patience

Patience is perhaps one of the most underrated qualities of successful podcasters. As Alex Hormozi wisely said, “The world belongs to those who can keep doing without seeing the immediate result.” This holds true in podcasting. You might not see significant listener growth or advertiser interest right away, but that doesn’t mean your podcast isn’t on the path to success.

Key Patience Practices:

  • Focus on Progress, Not Perfection: Celebrate small wins like increased downloads, positive feedback, or landing your first guest.
  • Trust the Process: Understand that building a successful podcast takes time, consistency, and gradual improvement.
  • Stay Persistent: If you’ve reached the 21-episode mark, you’re already in the top 1%. Keep going, and results will follow.

Your Path to Success

Becoming a top 1% podcaster is an attainable goal, but it requires dedication and a strategic approach. Here are some actionable steps you can take today to put yourself on the path to success:

  1. Stay Committed: Regularly remind yourself why you started your podcast. Revisit your vision when motivation dips.
  2. Delegate Tasks: Free up your time and energy by outsourcing time-consuming parts of the podcasting process.
  3. Be Patient: Understand that results may take time. Focus on long-term growth and improvement, not short-term metrics.
  4. Engage with Your Audience: Build meaningful relationships with your listeners. Engagement leads to loyalty and word-of-mouth promotion.


In conclusion, the journey to becoming a top 1% podcaster is challenging but deeply rewarding. By staying committed, delegating tasks, practicing patience, and engaging with your audience, you can achieve your podcasting goals. The statistics may be daunting, but you have the power to break through and succeed.

Don’t let the fear of podfade hold you back! Keep producing, keep learning, and keep improving.

Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Podcasts SUCK. If you have any thoughts or questions, feel free to reach out on social media. Let’s continue the conversation and help each other succeed in this incredible world of podcasting!

Until next time, happy podcasting! 🎙️

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