Top 10 Things All Beginner Podcasters Should Know (Before And After Launch)

Aspiring podcasters! So, you want to join the ranks of the millions of podcasters out there, eh?

Well, hold on to your microphones, because I’m about to share with you the top 10 things all beginner podcasters should know (before and after launch).

  1. Choose a Topic – You’re Passionate About Next up, choose a topic you’re passionate about. Don’t just jump on the bandwagon because you think it’s what everyone else is doing. Your listeners will be able to tell if you’re not genuinely interested in what you’re talking about. Plus, it’s much more fun to talk about something you love.
  2. Don’t Overspend on Equipment – First things first, don’t go blowing all your savings on fancy equipment just yet. Sure, a professional microphone is important, but you don’t need to mortgage your house for one. There are plenty of great options out there that won’t break the bank. Remember, it’s not the equipment that makes a great podcast, it’s content.
  3. Consistency is Key – Consistency is key, my friends. Whether you’re uploading once a week or once a month, make sure you stick to your schedule. Your listeners will come to expect your episodes on a certain day and time, and if you’re not consistent, you may lose them.
  4. Don’t be Afraid to Edit – Editing is your friend. Don’t be afraid to cut out those awkward pauses or the 5 minutes of you trying to remember that one word. Your listeners will thank you for it.
  5. Promote Your Podcast on Social Media – Promote, promote, promote. Don’t just upload your episodes and hope for the best. Use social media to your advantage and promote your podcast to the world. You never know who might be listening.
  6. Network with Other Podcasters – Networking with other podcasters is a great way to grow your audience. Reach out to other podcasters in your niche and ask to collaborate or guest appearances on each other’s shows. It’s a win-win situation.
  7. Be Yourself – Don’t try to be someone you’re not. Your listeners want to hear from the real you. So, don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through.
  8. Don’t Expect Overnight Success – Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a successful podcast. Don’t expect to become the next Joe Rogan overnight. It takes time and effort to build a loyal audience.
  9. Keep Learning – and Improving Always be learning and improving. Listen to other podcasts in your niche and take notes on what you like and what you don’t like. Use that knowledge to make your own podcast even better.
  10. Have Fun! – Last but not least, have fun with it! Podcasting is a great way to connect with others and share your passion with the world. So, enjoy the process, and don’t take yourself too seriously.

Now that you know the top 10 things all beginner podcasters should know before launch, let’s talk about what you should know after launch.

  1. Embrace the Feedback – Feedback is a gift. Whether it’s positive or negative, embrace it and use it to improve your podcast. Don’t be afraid to ask your listeners for feedback and take their suggestions into consideration.
  2. Keep Your Audience Engaged – Engage with your audience. Respond to their comments and questions on social media or via email. Build a community around your podcast and make your listeners feel like they’re a part of something special.
  3. Set Realistic Goals – Set realistic goals for yourself and your podcast. Maybe it’s reaching a certain number of downloads per episode or booking a guest you’ve always wanted to interview. Whatever it is

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